Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Review: Brave Enough

Brave Enough
Image from Goodreads

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Audience: YA, some language, a few kisses
Length: 280 pages
Author: Kati Gardner
Publisher: North Star Editions / Flux
Release Date: August 21st, 2018


Reminiscent of The Fault in Our Stars, Brave Enough follows two main characters who are struggling with their own afflictions. Cason, currently dealing with cancer, and Davis, who previously had cancer. The difference in this book is what Davis brings to the table, drug addiction. 

Everyone has their own trials, but few go through what these characters do. As I read, it made me consider just how true these feelings are. Pain, turmoil, loss of dreams, none of it is easy. Cason was previously a ballerina who has to come to terms with her new identity.

Gardner draws on her own life story (she survived childhood cancer), and creates a beautiful, fictional version. 

The love story is sweet, and real. Davis and Cason both had to deal with their own internal issues before they could find solid ground to stand on together. The ups and downs may not be full of "drama," but you feel for their stories all the same. 

It was a good, quick read that was different than my normal choices. There is some language, and of course discussion of the turmoil that is drug addiction (and the potential fall-outs).

Thank you to the publisher for sending me a digital ARC. The length, release date, and page counts were taken from an ARC and are subject to change upon publication.

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