Saturday, March 17, 2018

Review: Immortal Reign (Falling Kingdoms #6)

Immortal Reign (Falling Kingdoms, #6)
Image from Goodreads

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
Audience: YA, one [non-descriptive] love scene, a few curse words
Length: 391 pages
Author: Morgan Rhodes
Publisher: Razorbill


At last, Falling Kingdoms comes to an end. It was a great series and one I thoroughly enjoyed.

I appreciate that the nefarious characters who needed to meet their demise, did. Nobody likes loose ends. Or Gods to run amok. 

Also, Cleo & MAGNUS. Yet again, I'll say I love them. Well, I love Magnus. All of his dark, broodiness and sassiness. 💓

Rhodes does a good job tying all the bows on each story line so you aren't left wondering 'what happens next'. Everyone gets a solid ending. I HATE if an author gives ruin to any of my characters, it convinces me I can longer read their books haha. In this case, I am content with how it all went down.

I feel at some portions there was addition of drama to try to increase the height of the conclusion, but I understand the need for it. 

Overall, you can see the ending from a mile away, yet can't help but keep reading because the writing is done so well. The world created by Rhodes is spectacular and unique.

I kept it at 4.5 stars because I enjoyed Crystal Storm the most out of this series.

There's one love scene that is very glossed over, and non-descriptive (except for the fact you know what they're doing haha). Some kissing and such, but nothing 'adult'. It's written appropriately to maintain YA status. Definitely plenty of slashed necks, stabbing, and arrows flying. A few curse words here and there, but doesn't detract from the story.

*Note: All opinions are my own. I only add the Goodreads link if you want to check out other reviews and information on the book itself. Thanks!*

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