Thursday, March 15, 2018

Review: Crystal Storm (Falling Kingdoms #5)

Image result for crystal storm morgan rhodes
Image from Goodreads

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Audience: YA, just a little intense make-out session, almost a love scene, a touch of language
Length: 379 pages
Author: Morgan Rhodes
Publisher: Razorbill

*Potentially spoiler-ish if you haven't read the previous books (in regards to Crystal Storm it'll be spoiler free).


I don't even know where to begin. 

Once again I was completely enamored by this story. I love all of the POVs and the world-building that creates such a dynamic book.

Cleo & Magnus get me every time (Magnus is my favorite POV). I love their banter, yet uncompromising will to help each other. Watching their relationship blossom is great.

I feel for so many of these characters (especially Nic & Jonas 😭), so I applaud Rhodes and her ability to create enough character depth for all the feelings. 

There was somehow less death this time than the previous books. Seriously, every other chapter someone died, this time...every 2 chapters 🤣. Some critical characters did survive, and I'm pleased with that fact. Leading up to the finale though makes me concerned for which main character will meet their demise.

Reiteration of the beginning of this post...THAT ENDING THOUGH. Reminiscent of another novel I'm currently awaiting the ending for, this threw me for a loop. How do they get out of it? Are they found in time?! Questions, my friends, so many questions.

There is a very small spattering of language, an intense make-out session or two. Nothing overtly descriptive. Lots of stabbing and some skirmishes. (all about those dark books).

Loving this series and am excited to start the next [last] book immediately.

Question: Who is your favorite POV of this series?

*Note: All opinions are my own. I only add the Goodreads link if you want to check out other reviews and information on the book itself. Thanks!*

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